Email from Dave at Postability,
Our Unified Post Kernel technology has meant for the past 8 years that we have shared common postblocks across our post library without issue, and to some good benefit.
Late in the Technical Preview phase for Mastercam 2017 (TP6), CNC Software started to check for Lathe and Router post variables used in Mill posts, which will now cause errors on post processor Migration to 2017.
Variables used in our posts that are impacted are listed here:
bug3$, lusecandrill$, lusecanpeck$, lusecanchip$, lusecantap$, lusecanbore1$, lusecanbore2$, lusecanmisc1, lusecanmisc2 ,ldo_xz_arcs$, larctypexz$
On a post that requires Migration from a previous version, the Migration Wizard will catch and comment of all offending lines, but in doing so will cause errors during posting.
On a post that is already set to 2017 (V19.00 in the header), you can make the same change list below to correct posting errors.
There are 2 options to address this issue:
1. For all of our Mill posts, prior to Migration, you can change the post product in the header line from P0 to P4 to make the post mill/turn, and therefore able to use Lathe post variables:
[POST_VERSION] #DO NOT MOVE OR ALTER THIS LINE# V18.00 P0 E1 W18.00 T1274880253 M18.00 I0 O0
changes to
[POST_VERSION] #DO NOT MOVE OR ALTER THIS LINE# V18.00 P4 E1 W18.00 T1274880253 M18.00 I0 O0
[Mill posts with Router variables do exist in very small numbers and will need to be address with option 2.]
This method is recommended to get clients up and running.
Have them use the previous version of the post, and change P0 to P4, then Migrate again.
2. The 2nd option is to have posts synched on an ‘as needed’ basis to the current archived version stored at Postability. Our versions of the posts already have these issues corrected.
To have a post synchronized, please provide the current client version of the post to
Please understand that we will be experiencing heavy support load as a result of this change from CNC Software/Mastercam.
To summarize: “On Mill posts, P0 to P4 prior to Migration”