Problems with Creating a Zip2go in Mastercam for Solidworks (it doesn't actually make a Zip2go)

Problems with Creating a Zip2go in Mastercam for Solidworks (it doesn't actually make a Zip2go)

To create a Zip2go file in solid works, you will need the Solidworks Explorer.

1st: Go to your Control Panel and get to Programs and Features, and locate Solidworks.





2nd: Right click and choose Change, and select Modify the individual installation (on this computer).


Follow through the set up to the Product Selection screen.

3rd: Choose the Solidworks Explorer/Workgroup PDM, and have Solidworks Explorer checked.


Then follow through the modify installation.

 After Solidworks is done installing and restarts your computer, you should have a Solidworks Explorer shortcut on your desktop, and when you go into your Solidworks, the Zip2go Utility should work.


Side not, after creating a ZIp2go I had to refresh my Desktop to see the Zip2go files, and if this doesn't work, you will need to contact your Solidworks reseller. 

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